Welcome to Blutex Swimming Pools
We are one of the UK's largest online swimming stores this alows us to give you all the products you know and love at a very competetive price !!!!!
Swimming pool solar panel Using the pool pump, water is automatically pumped through the solar collectors. The water is then heated as it moves through the collectors. The heated water is returned back to the pool through the return fitting. Kit consists of: 1 x 2ft x 20ft...
We are one of the UK's largest online swimming stores this alows us to give you all the products you know and love at a very competetive price !!!!!
We are one of the UK's largest online swimming pool stores. This allows us to give you all the products you know and love at a very competitive prices. We are constantly updating our website and always looking for the latest products and designs to keep our customers up to date. .
0845 6048430 |